Pat Wetzel

Meet Pat Wetzel

Pat Wetzel is the visionary behind CancerRoadTrip.

Her original background after graduating from Wharton Business School was in finance, working in the direct placement market in New York, international strategic planning/acquisition divestiture analysis, and investment advisory services.

More recently, she has been involved with a number of startups, including her current one, CancerRoadTrip

In 2009 a supposedly incurable cancer diagnosis sent Pat on a serious quest for what creates health. She realized that her experiences weren’t unique, and she founded the Anti-Cancer Club, a free website of cancer resources.

Three rounds of chemo, radiation and surgery ensued over the next several years until a remission was realized. It was time for a break.

It was time for a road trip.

And along the way, there were many lessons.

One is that travel heals.

Pat is our Guide to a bit of healing adventure.

Portrait of Pat Wetzel at Ghost Ranch

Author, Pilot and Guide

Everyday we make choices in the food we eat, the thoughts we think, and the people we associate with. I call it our matrix. What’s in yours? How do you choose to reimagine your health and your world?


There is a line in my pilot’s log book, “Pilot In Command”.

It means that the responsibility for the flight is mine.

It’s an empowering metaphor for all my travels.

–Pat Wetzel, Founder, CancerRoadTrip

CancerRoadTrip Guide

Pat Wetzel


Travel Heals

wellness retreat
wellness retreat
wellness retreat
wellness retreat

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