Would you like to reboot your health and your life?
You can reimagine wellness.
Sign up to know when applications open.
Could you use a healing retreat?
(The trip is on us!)
We bring together leaders in mind/body wellness with a group of people who have been impacted by cancer.
We travel to an amazing destination.
We capture it all on film and share it for education and inspiration.
Would you like to join us?
Sign up to stay in the know on CancerRoadTrip.

Who Can Go On CancerRoadTrip?
Anyone impacted by cancer.
You can be a patient just post treatment, in maintenance, or several years out.
You can be a caregiver, loved one or friend.
Cancer touches all our lives. Nearly half of us will have a cancer diagnosis.
We need to start considering what creates health, for ourselves, our families and our communities. And then we need to make it so!
Reimagining Wellness
Discover More About CancerRoadTrip
— Founder, Pat Wetzel
Scanxiety and Cancer On The Road
When the heart weeps for what it has lost, the soul laughs for what it has found.
The Zen of Upaya
“Life is a journey. Time is a river. The door is ajar.” ― Jim Butcher
Winter In A Santa Fe Casita
Casita (noun): A small house or other building (especially in the US Southwest) Origin: early 19th century: from Spanish, diminutive of casa ‘house.’
11 Life Lessons Learned From The Road
“If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine; it is lethal.” – Paul Coelho