The pictures in this gallery are just a sampling from Steven Boone’s photographs from his travels. Steven is a Santa Fe based artist, author and photographer. All images are electronically watermarked. If you’re interested in purchasing one (or more!) please contact Steven directly through his gallery.


One of the things I enjoy about other people’s travels is their point of view. My photographs tend towards landscapes. Steven’s tend towards people. Each of his journeys is an exploration of beauty, art and humanity.

These are just a few of his images from Luxor. If you are intrigued, check out this post and please contact him to see more. (You’ll be stunned by some of them–they are so beautiful!)

Steven and I met at a talk in Santa Fe. I was immediately taken by his photographs. And then we found out that we had cancer in common. Steven’s CancerRoadTrip is that of a parent who has lost a child to cancer. The hurt never goes away, but Steven has put his heart and soul into his artistic endeavors and I am grateful to be able to share some of his journeys.


Click here to read about Steven’s travels in Luxor, Egypt


Luxor is the land of pharaohs. During the 16th-11th centuries B.C. the Luxor and Karnak Temples were the epicenter of thought, religion, trade and art. Today the ruins of this great society sit along the banks of the Nile, surrounded by the modern day city.

Luxor is easily accessible via plane, train, bus or boat. Visitor visas are (as of this writing) available at the airport. Click here to check current State Department guidelines.

The importance of this civilization cannot be understated. On a medical front, the Egyptians brought forward looking surgical procedures to its people. The use of plants in pharmacology was integrated into their health practices. These and other traditions would influence other cultures such as the Greeks.

The Edwin Smith Papyrus (below) is the oldest known surgical writing on trauma.  The Egyptians were very advanced in terms of surgical technique, using scalpel like instruments in sophisticated procedures such as amputations.

Edwin Smith Papyrus v2.jpg
By Jeff Dahl – Edited version of Image:EdSmPaPlateVIandVIIPrintsx.jpg, Public Domain, Link

As one travels to look back at ancient cultures, one realizes that the basics of health were integral to their life. People lived in communities and shared the ups and downs of life. Life moved with the sunlight and seasons in a natural rhythm. The importance of balance and evolution was understood. Can we say the same of our so called modern society? What are the daily rituals in our lives? Do they lend themselves to physical, psychological and emotional health?

As I travel I am finding bits of wisdom in many cultures and culling that which suits my journey. Ancient cultures bring a look at health and healing that by some standards may seem primitive compared to our sleek hospitals and operating theatres–or is it? Was there perhaps some older wisdom that integrated the physical body with the emotional and spiritual soul? Have we lost that connection? Can we find it again and does it have a place in our modern world?

May the past help to show us the wisdom to move forward.


“Art is a wound turned into light.” – Georges Braque


I hope you enjoy the photography and art of Steven Boone.


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Cancer Road Trip Steven Boone Luxor



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