Santa Fe, N.M.
Santa Fe has a rich tradition of healing and spiritual arts. From the Native American cultures to the Buddhist traditions, Santa Fe offers a spectrum of healing in a stunning southwest locale.
The diverse cultures have created an open minded environment for the healing arts. Ancient waters, fresh food and stunning geography make Santa Fe the perfect place to start a road trip to re-imagine wellness.

Would you like to reboot your health and your life?
You can reimagine wellness.
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Our first retreat is in Santa Fe, N.M.
Santa Fe is a blend of ancient Indian, Spanish and Mexican cultures. Founded by the Spanish in the 17th century, it offers stunning geography, great food, and a range of healing arts.
It’s an amazing destination.
A group of travelers, with thought leaders in mind/body medicine, will go on this voyage. Would you like to go too?
Join us. Sign up to stay in the know on CancerRoadTrip.
Santa Fe as a Healing Retreat
An entire series on healing in Santa Fe will be added. Start with these and check back as more are added.
The Santa Fe Opera: Music, Art and Tailgating
Tailgating, plus the art of opera, is a quirky and unbeatable combination.
Sound For Healing
Rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul. –Plato
The Blog: Behind The Scenes
“Nobody ever looks behind the pen.” ― Khali Raymond
Labyrinth Walking In Santa Fe
Not all those who wander are lost. – J.R.R. Tolkien
The Zen of Upaya
“Life is a journey. Time is a river. The door is ajar.” ― Jim Butcher
Winter In A Santa Fe Casita
Casita (noun): A small house or other building (especially in the US Southwest) Origin: early 19th century: from Spanish, diminutive of casa ‘house.’