During treatment survival is the goal.
Afterwards, healing becomes the new mission.
Becoming A Sponsor is a Win/Win
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Has Your Family or Workplace Been Impacted By Cancer?
Chances are the answer is yes. According to the American Cancer Society, nearly 40% of us will have a cancer diagnosis.
Take a moment to watch the CancerRoadTrip Project video.
What is CancerRoadTrip?
CancerRoadTrip is a documentary film series that explores the psycho/social/spiritual aspects of life after cancer.
We use “road trip” as a metaphor for the cancer journey. There are twists and turns; ups and downs; bumps along the way. It is a journey.
As a journey, the idea of travel is important for two reasons:
Anyone who has been through cancer just needs a break. Travel provides a much needed respite to search for some peace and clarity in order to move forward.
Travel also opens our hearts, souls and minds to new opportunities. And after cancer, we need new options to craft a new life.
Each quarter CancerRoadTrip gives seven people-we call them Travelers–an amazing trip. We capture their experiences and conversations on film for education and inspiration.
And we share it all with the cancer community via the web.

Let's Talk

CancerRoadTrip is A Social Entrepreneurship Company
Thanks to the fiscal sponsorship of The New Mexico Film Foundation, we are able to accept tax deductible donations.
We are also building out our social media networks (we currently generate 500,000-1,000,000 impressions/month) for corporate sponsorships.
Our first film budget is just over $1 million. This includes legal and social media marketing expenses.
We need your help in making this a reality.
And here’s a preview:
Seven Travelers are selected each quarter for a CancerRoadTrip.
Four of the seven Travelers have been chosen for our first film in 2020:

Liz O’Riordan, MD
Author, Speaker, Athlete
Liz started off as a breast cancer surgeon in the U.K. operating on hundreds of women facing cancer.
And then she was diagnosed with breast cancer.
She wrote a book. She gave a TED talk.
Then a different type of breast cancer was diagnosed in her other breast.
As a result of the treatments, she can no longer engage in the sports she loves. She can no longer work as a breast cancer surgeon. Liz is re-evaluating her life and hoping the cancer hasn’t metastasized. Metastatic breast cancer is incurable.
Charles Frederick Porter
Author, Executive Coach, Father
Charles was on his way to a successful Hollywood career when he was diagnosed with Stage 4 Hodgkins Lymphoma.
A risky stem cell transplant provided a remission. He wrote several books of moving poetry. He became a trainer and coach.
Charles married and had a child. But recently the cancer has come back. He is currently on immunotherapy. His wife just had their second child.
Steve Mazan
Comedian, Inspirational Speaker, Film Maker
Steve was diagnosed with liver cancer and given 5 years to live. Life suddenly had an expiration date. And Steve realized that it was time to follow his dreams.
As a comedian, his dream was to get on Letterman. And so his quest began. He documented his journey in a documentary film, “Dying To Do Letterman”.
And now, ten years later, Steve has “No Evidence of Disease.”
Kandis Draw
Classical Pianist, Cancer Activist, Writer for Curvicality, Caregiver
Kandis was just 33 years old when her mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. With two younger siblings (age 8 and 13) at home, Kandis was forced to put her dreams on hold.
She cared for her mother until she passed . She raised her brother and sister. And in doing so, Kandis experienced the fear, stress and isolation of taking care of a loved one.
Caregivers are often the unsung heroes of the cancer experience. This first CancerRoadTrip will include Kandis and another caregiver to look at the multi-dimensional issues facing families with cancer.
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Reimagining Wellness
Discover More About CancerRoadTrip
— Founder, Pat Wetzel
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