The Swag Bag


What Story Might Your Product Tell?


We are giving away ten swag bags full of health and travel products.

Each bag has a collection of health and travel items contributed by our corporate partners.

Each recipient that receives the virtual bag (of real products!) will use the product differently, creating a unique story for your brand.

Ten people with your product. Ten stories. Ten ways to share your brand with hundreds of thousands of people.

And your tax deductible contribution helps support CancerRoadTrip.

Talk to us to learn more.



Your product can be part of a travel adventure.


It can be used to create health and well being.


Perhaps you simply make someone smile.

10 Swag Bags filled with travel and healthy living products


Seven for the seven Travelers


Three for three lucky people randomly selected from our mailing list

Swag Bag

Your product creates an original social media story with each Swag Bag.


Your tax deductible donations make the trip and the film possible.

Film Placement

Possible product placement in the film. (Talk to us!)



Contact CancerRoadTrip

8 + 7 =

Reimagining Wellness

Discover More About CancerRoadTrip
— Founder, Pat Wetzel

Travel Heals

wellness retreat
wellness retreat
wellness retreat
wellness retreat

Could you use a healing retreat? (The trip is on us!)

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