Autumn is always a spectacular combination of color, scents and scenes. In New Mexico, the aspen groves cover vast swaths of the mountain sides. Ranging from golden to almost red at times, the mountains take on an autumn palette.

With a new camera in hand (my old one is having focus problems) I naturally had to hit the road. And what better road to hit than Route 68 which heads north, along the Rio Grande, to Taos.


Fall color New Mexico, Cancer, CancerRoadTrip, Taos, Fall

The Rio Grande


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More on Fall in New Mexico

Wine and Chile
The Burning of Zozobra
The Art, Culture and Beauty of Santa Fe

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Fall color New Mexico, Cancer, CancerRoadTrip, Taos, Fall


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Autumn in Taos
Fall color New Mexico, Cancer, CancerRoadTrip, Taos, Fall
Fall color New Mexico, Cancer, CancerRoadTrip, Taos, Fall
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