The Matrix is the set of daily experiences that experiences that make up our lives.

Can we change our perceptions to change our experience?

If so, what might we choose? 


The Matrix: Wendy Wagner, PhD


This is the second part of my interview with Wendy Wagner, PhD. The first part is here.

A cancer diagnosis takes many of us on a road trip into our own souls, to discover meaning, perspective and perhaps a new path for our life. My discussion with Wendy ranged over so many topics, that rather than try to segment each one in a short video, I decided to simply share the entire discussion. 


Wendy Wagner, PhD: A Road Trip Into The Psyche, Part 2





“Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable.

Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart.

But that’s okay.

The journey changes you; it should change you.

It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness,

on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you.

Hopefully, you leave something good behind.”

Anthony Bourdain



Life is a journey. 

Cancer is a journey.

Together they are the ultimate road trip.

Where might we go and what might we learn?

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More on The Matrix

What is the Matrix?

I call it the set of daily decisions and experiences that make up our lives.

Can we change our perceptions and change our experience? If so, what would we choose?

Here are some more posts contemplating life, travel and how we construct our matrix to view our world:

The Matrix: A Road Trip Into The Psyche

Healing Travel for a Better Matrix

Gratitude: A Habit For All Times

11 Life Lessons Learned From The Road

Traveling The Timeline of Now

Traveling With Cancer: A One Year Anniversary

Thoughts On The Metaphor of a Road Trip


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