Bump in the Road


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Science can validate an NDE (Near Death Experience) yet it remains a “not to be mentioned” experience, particularly in western culture. Why is that? Why do we turn away from what many see as a merging of our understanding of science, quantum physics  and spirituality?

Would having a profound knowing of life after death change your life here and now? Would such knowledge be welcomed or more of a bump in the road? And would you tell people about it?

David Maginley, NDE

David Maginley speaks with groups on his book and experiences

This week’s guest on Bump In The Road is David Maginley. David is an interfaith spiritual counselor at QEII Health Sciences Centre in Halifax Canada where he supports patients dealing with their own life and death. And he’s imminently qualified not just because of his spiritual training, but because David has a very rare cancer and has experienced his own death.


David Maginley, NDE

David Maginley shares stories of fellow patients, as well as his own, and discusses the evolving science of consciousness and of NDEs.

David’s story, and his book, is  a personal and professional journey that merges physics, philosophy and consciousness research. The book is a profound act of love that will have you laughing, crying and wondering. Is there life after death? And if so, what does that mean?

Bump In The Road: David Maginley, Part I


Click here for Part II of our conversation.



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Donna O'Donnell Figurski

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Jose Montero and Trekking For Kids (Part Two)

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Bump In The Road: Bernie Siegel, MD Part II

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Donna O’Donnell Figurski: Love, Dedication and Persistence 

Donna O'Donnell Figurski


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