Hello From…
Hello From…. is a series of bloggers talking about the impact of the Corona virus on their towns and lives. Here are some perspectives on life in the time of Corona. See how people all over the world are adjusting their lives:
Hello From New Hampshire-Roarloud.net
Hello From Houston-One Foot Out the Door
Hello From Minnesota -ThirdEyeMom
Silver Linings in the Storm-Plus ltra
Joburg COVID-19: Lockdown Journal day 1- 2Summers
In the Time of Corona-In flow with Otto
Hello From Northern Virginia-Eat Live Stay Will Travel for Food
Hello From Santa Fe
Santa Fe is my city in a way no place else has ever been. I love it here, and it is heart breaking to see this town of 70,000+ people in lock down.

Looking from the Plaza up to Basilica Cathedral St. Francis of Assisi

The New Mexico Countryside-Photo Credit: David Hoptman

Chimayo scenes, a healing Mecca just north of Santa Feat the base of the Sangre de Cristo mountains

Road tripping New Mexico
Everyone is good humored; we all wave or say hi from six feet away, as we pass on trails and city streets. But as a tourist destination, this lockdown is having serious repercussions on our community.
When you think of Santa Fe, you think restaurants galore, amazing museums and shops, and festivals that go non-stop from spring to fall.
For the moment, all is on hold.



I walk almost every day. My usual loop is to head north, then over to Canyon Road. Canyon Road is a magical half mile lined with over 80 art galleries and more than a few restaurants. With Santa Fe being the third largest art market in the U.S. (behind New York and Los Angeles), art is a part of life here.
But the streets are deserted. The galleries are closed. The restaurants, still.
Down on the Plaza, the Indian tribes usually line up with jewelry for sale. It’s now empty, eerily quiet. The shops brimming with turquoise and silver are shut. And most restaurants are offering takeout, and most of us are supporting them as much as possible.

Indians line up to sell jewelry along the plaza in Santa Fe
Santa Fe is a town that has been around as long as the Pueblo Indians that settled here in 1050 or so. It weathered the Spanish rule in the early 1700’s. We’ll weather this too.
The Serendipity of Santa Fe
I hadn’t intended to land in Santa Fe (this story starts like so may others where serendipity and adventure meet). I was tired of the heat and humidity in Central and South America, and pondered my next move. I’d go to Santa Fe for Christmas!
And I never left.
I first started visiting this Spanish city in the 1990’s and always loved it. And a wonderful confluence of events came together when I landed here just over 2 years ago. It is said that Santa Fe either welcomes you or spits you out. I have been profoundly welcomed.
I have great friends. I’m on the Board of New Mexico Women in Film. I’ve taken classes, joined MeetUp groups, supported local museums and arts through memberships, and have two photo clubs. It is simply the right place at the right time for me.
And I’m profoundly grateful for all of it.
Coping With Corona In Santa Fe
As a single person (and a bit of an introvert at heart), I’m happy working alone. But this quarantine is pushing the limits. I’m usually out and about with friends and events a few times a week.
I miss that.
Zoom helps, but I long for a meeting at one of my favorite restaurants, perhaps a bit of tapas with some guitar music in the background. Or that amazing sea bass in miso from Geronimo’s. Or maybe just a simple cup of tea at Iconic on Lena or at the Teahouse on Canyon Road.
Corona has made me pause (see Silver Linings in The Time of Corona). I recognize that things may be very different on the other side of this. I am watching things carefully and as a result, I’m thoughtful about not planning too far out.
“Things they are a changin’ “
-Bob Dylan
The corporate sponsors we’ve been in discussion with in the travel and health sectors are consumed by the events of this virus, so our funding for our retreats is currently on hold.
As a result, for the first time in two and a half years of building CancerRoadTrip, I have a bit of time on my hands.
So I’m starting a podcast. “Bump In The Road” is the title and it’s a series of interviews with people who have managed their own bumps in the road. My wish is that it brings inspiration and perseverance to all of us, through Corona and beyond.
Health is obviously a priority, especially now. I’ve revamped my routine to include more breaks and movement. More self care. And I intend on keeping this new schedule beyond Corona.
I’ve always been a morning person and I continue to get up at 5:30 am. I find five things to be grateful for and I meditate for 20-30 minutes.
Then I browse the news and my email, shower and get to work. Work right now is sorting through a gazillion technical options for the podcast, ordering the equipment, making decisions about editing and distribution, lining up people to interview, continuing to do interviews with publications and podcasters about CancerRoadTrip, networking and adding some new photo galleries to the site.
I have a set of weights that goes up to 40 pounds (plenty for my needs); resistance bands to get more of a workout out of each step and curl; and I’ve added a second meditation session each afternoon.
I’m working on integrating a yoga routine into my schedule. I know its benefits; yoga has saved me many times, but it’s never been a natural for me. Even so, I started some on-line classes and have set aside time each afternoon to “go to class”.
I cook every night. Partly as self care; partly to pass the time. I’ve been using delivery services for food shopping once a week and my freezer is well stocked with wild fish and whatnot. I’ve always loved to cook (and eat) and I’m enjoying the time to be a bit creative and self nurturing.
And finally, as a “bone” to my creativity, I treated myself to a macro lens (a Nikon 105mm f/2.8). If I can’t travel out to a broader world, perhaps I can travel deeper within the world immediately around me as spring starts to blossom.
Because spring always comes after winter.
“Let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius.”
-Pietro Aretino

Spring trees starting to bloom
Final Corona Thoughts
At the end of February, I was in Sacramento for a TV interview about CancerRoadTrip. Afterwards I went down to Sonoma for two nights. The day I departed, I didn’t feel well and by the time I got to the airport, I was coughing terribly. And I was sick for 2-3 weeks afterwards. Given my symptoms, I’m wondering if I didn’t have the Corona virus. It had yet to really hit the news and our consciousness.
A friend sent me an article just this morning talking about how many flus may have been misdiagnosed (USAToday). At some point I want to get tested to see if I have the antibodies. But right now, other people need access to testing more than me, so I’m just sitting tight. And staying safe.
More Reading on Santa Fe and Environs
If we can’t travel in person, let’s travel vicariously! Here’s some New Mexico travel to inspire and amuse:
The Santa Fe Opera: Music, Art and Tailgating
Winter Zen in Santa Fe: Upaya and Ojo Caliente
Powwow: The Gathering of Nations
The Botanical Garden in Santa Fe
The Mesas, Buttes and Badlands of Bisti Wilderness
Chimayo: Chile, Weavings and Miracles
New Mexico Road Trip: The Road To Carrizozo
Inside The Georgia O’Keeffe House: Ghost Ranch
Inside The Georgia O’Keeffe House In Abiquiu
Georgia O’Keeffe Country: Abiquiu
Art in Abiquiu: Visiting The Abiquiu Art Project
Inside TheGeorgia O’Keeffe House in Abiquiu
The Not So Quintessential Ghost Ranch
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What is #CancerRoadTrip and how did it come to be? Read this post to get the backstory!
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Thank you for joining in on the Hello From series. We are all leading similar but different lives right now, I think it is a great time to share our experiences and support each other. Stay safe