Bump in the Road


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Carmen Gentile is an international reporter, covering developing and war torn areas ranging from Brazil and Nigeria, to Iraq and Afghanistan where he was embedded with American troops in the Lunar Province in eastern Afghanistan. 

Being in combat is frightening for anyone and Carmen admits:

“That doesn’t mean I’m not scared shitless when I do it. I just leave that part out of my stories.”

But there was one story he could not escape and it was his own. While on a reconnaissance mission with U.S. troops, an RPG (rocket propelled grenade) hit Carmen in the face. Remarkably, it didn’t detonate.

“As it raced towards me, I accepted death as an inevitability. Now, the memory of my resignation to dying has left an indelible black mark on me that permeates every moment since.”

Carmen faced numerous reconstructive surgeries and never fully regained vision in his injured eye which he details in his book, “Blindsided by the Taliban”. But his story is about more than just injury and recovery. It’s about themes that weave through all our lives, themes of finding meaning, loss, injury, hurt , romantic woes, and professional frustrations.

Carmen Gentile

Blindsided by the Taliban by Carmen Gentile

Carmen Gentile: Blindsided by the Taliban 

There are no rules to how we respond to life’s bumps in the road. This week Carmen shares some insights into his remarkable story.

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Carmen Gentile: Embedded with the Troops

This video captures Carmen’s experience as an embedded journalist and, most remarkably, his injury:


Gewi Patrol from Brian Wagner on Vimeo.

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Donna O'Donnell Figurski

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A Selection of Bump In The Road Episodes

Traveling The World of Inspiration

Bump In The Road: Liz O’Riordan

Bump In The Road: Mark Philpott

Bump In The Road: Deirdre Breakinridge

Jose Montero and Trekking For Kids  (Part One)

Jose Montero and Trekking For Kids (Part Two)

Traumatic Brain Injury and Re-Learning How To Learn

Bump In The Road: Bernie Siegel, MD Part I

Bump In The Road: Bernie Siegel, MD Part II

Dante Prada

Barbara Bentree: Film, Corona and A Bit of Jazz

Cynthia Toussaint on Life, Healing and Helping Others

Saving The New Mexico Restaurant Industry

Sean Swarner: #KeepClimbing

Art Estopinan: The Hunt For A Cure For A Rare Disease TK2

Donna O’Donnell Figurski: Love, Dedication and Persistence 

David Maginley: Life After Death, An NDE Experience Part I

Cameron Auxer: When Bodies Break

Luis Benitez: The Metaphor In The Mountain

Wendy Wagner: Perspectives on Perceptions

Donna O'Donnell Figurski


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